HandWritingBiblio is both a physical and a virtual project for the storage, preservation and sharing of all aspects of handwriting. The idea for the „Memory of Handwriting“ project arose from the fact that in recent years the founders were repeatedly given collections in the form of old journals, books and documents on the subject of handwriting by strangers and colleagues as well as their descendants.
The founders themselves also have a certain collector’s passion. These artefacts, some of which date back to the beginnings of the 20th century, and the handwriting knowledge collected in them were stored in various places comparable to ‘time capsules’. The aim is to make this handwriting knowledge available to present and future generations in order to safeguard this knowledge. The contents range from the learning and teaching of writing through grapho-motor and therapeutic aspects of writing, to findings in forensic analysis or psychological interpretation of writing, to name but a few essential topics.
Aim of HandWritingBiblio
As for the time capsule HandWritingBiblio – the unique selection of publications on handwriting – the time has now come to open it. Documents, books and records on this subject, and as well handwritings themselves, that were kept under lock and key at various locations, have been transferred to a central location in Munich (Germany), and the project HandWritingBiblio has been launched. The capsule(s) will be opened step by step, content is sorted, recorded electronically, including the corresponding keywords (tagging), and in this way, an academic library will be build up.
Since new documents and artefacts are continuously transferred to the HandWritingBiblio, the library is dynamic and can be visited online at any time. And here comes the good news for all virtual library visitors: The content of some already opened and recorded ‘handwritten time capsules’ can be found at The search by author names, categories (books, journals etc.) or keywords is enabled. If you find something that you want to read or need for your research or publications, just send an e-mail to and the document will be sent electronically. If you do not have access to the virtual world, you can also make an appointment at the Munich archive and take a physical look at the handwritten time capsules.
„Aspects of handwriting. Historical, current and scientific publications on handwriting“ — Journal of HandWritingBiblio
To ensure that the multiple and various data stored in HandWritingBiblio does not end up in a wild hotchpotch, the issuing of the journal „Aspects of handwriting. Historical, current and scientific publications on handwriting“ has been initiated. The current issue can be read directly on our website or Also older issues can be found under this link. The purpose of the journal is, on the one hand, to open snapshots of an open time capsule related to handwriting, to provide relevant comments and to make them available in the original language. On the other hand, to encapsulate current books, publications, texts, links, manuscripts, documents, films and much more on the subject of handwriting. All relevant current contributions will be stored in the multilingual HandWritingBiblio and thus become new, catalogued time capsules and messages for the future.