We would like to present a new book published by American Handwriting Analysis Foundation (AHAF). „The Power of the Pen: from the unconscious to the conscious“ (ISBN: 978-1970181340). In the official presentation they write that the book “showcases 23 unique perspectives on handwriting analysis and its modern uses. Each essay is penned by a respected handwriting analyst and explores topics such as handwriting research in the digital age, human resources, the effects of medication on handwriting, genealogy, deception, signature analysis, psychology, and so much more.”
„‚The Power of the Pen‘ represents decades of dedication, study, practical research and application of graphological principles by widely respected handwriting analysts and graphologists,“ said Lauren Mooney Bear, AHAF President.
We asked Sheila Lowe, the editor of the new book, to write some word for the users of HandwritingBiblio and she kindly agreed.
“It started as a vague idea — bring together well-trained, well-known graphologists with various areas of specific expertise in the field and prevail upon them to write an essay for inclusion in a book. But the time was not quite right and the idea languished for ten years while I handled the many duties of president of the American Handwriting Analysis Foundation (AHAF).
In 2022, having finally moved out of that role, and thinking about what was next for me as immediate past president, that old concept of an anthology resurfaced. Enlisting the aid of Teresa Abram, Communications chair for AHAF, I began to move forward with the project.
Since I started practicing in handwriting analysis more than fifty years ago, for better or worse, this area of study seems to have gained a slight foothold in public opinion. That is due, I believe, to the Internet. The ‘worse’ side is that with no licensing or controls, anyone can create a website and claim to be a handwriting expert. Gullible clients who fail to do their due diligence can be seriously damaged by charlatans. That has always been the case, but not on such a large scale as today.
On the ‘better’ side, good information can be made more easily available and disseminated everywhere computers are plugged in to the Internet. Marketing with a small budget, or even without one, has become possible, as well as contact with colleagues around the world.
To that end, making credible information available to the masses is more important than ever. And every scientist/psychologist/graphologist who contributed to The Power of the Pen: from the Unconscious to the Conscious, has the background, the education, the experience, and the platform to offer important information about handwriting psychology and make it of practical use. We at AHAF are happy to share this book with our colleagues around the world and trust they will find it useful in their own practice of graphology.”
Sheila Lowe, MS, CG, CFDE